Dogs for life—not just for a season, like a handbag

The dog sponsorship program is for animal lovers who can sponsor one of the resident dogs in our sanctuary. Your generous monthly contribution for the dog you choose of £15 (PHP 1000/ USD$ 20) will enable us to keep our promise to all of our animals. They will receive proper medical care, will never lack for food, and will always have a comfortable home. You will also have a sense of satisfaction knowing how much your support helps our wonderful rescued animals. Your generosity helps us to continue saving more dogs and change many lives.

£ 15 /mo 
(PHP 1000 / USD$ 20)
Monthly Dog Sponsorship
• Food (Two meals per day)
• Medical care
• Vitamins / supplements
• Shelter and safety
• Support Dogs Mountain’s rescue efforts
• A monthly update and photo of your sponsored dog sent to you